Embrace the Process

Aemen Farooq
Oct 17, 2023

Remember! It’s all about the joy of journey, it’s not about the outcome.

It’s not about the end goal, or where you end up. It’s really about enjoying the process of getting somewhere. Enjoying the up’s and down’s of everything that you learn, experiencing yourself growing and doing things that are scary.

I think sometimes it is very difficult, overwhelming and tiring which makes harder and harder to enjoy the process; but I think every day if you just take time for the gratitude of what you do have in your life, the gratitude for the things that you’re learning each day or even having gratitude for the failures and the setbacks… that give you the mindset of “Oh everything is a plus”. “Everything is adding to my journey” and “These are the badges of my learning”.



Aemen Farooq

I write about mental health, self-development, self-care, and life lessons as they happen. Editor of sapphirel.com/ https://aemenfarooq.medium.com/membership